Press Coverage
If you are a member of the press and would like to interview Matthew VanDyke, please email him at
Click here to download the Press Kit for Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution
Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution (and/or the process of making of the film) has been featured in articles/broadcasts by media outlets including CNN, CTV, Sun News Network, HuffPost Live, Orient TV, The Baltimore Sun, El Mundo, Das Magazin, and others. Download the Press Kit for a full list and details.
Press coverage of the film's director, Matthew VanDyke, can be found at his website (250+ articles/broadcasts)
Press Coverage and the latest news about Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, Nour Kelze, and Matthew VanDyke
3/31/14: An article at Mexico news site Impulso Informativo that mentions Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution
3/31/14: An article at Mexico news site Puebla Noticias that mentions Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution
3/31/14: An article at Mexico news site Reto Diario that mentions Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution
3/30/14: Official Selection Highlight – "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution"” on the ÉCU (The European Independent Film Festival) website.
3/28/14: A Film Industry Network article about ÉCU (The European Independent Film Festival) that mentions Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution - "ECU Film Festival to roll out ‘indie red carpet’ in Paris"
3/25/14: Director Matthew VanDyke's interview with Kristin Caires of The Cinema Couch after Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won the Best Documentary Film Award at the Winter Film Awards in New York, NY.
3/22/14: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won the Best Film Award (the highest award of the festival) at the DIY Film Festival in Santa Monica, CA. This is the 34th award won by Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.
3/22/14: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, the film about Syria, will be shown at the DIY Film Festival in Santa Monica, CA, where it is a finalist in the Documentary Short category!
3/17/14: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened at the Medina del Campo Film Festival in Medina del Campo, Spain.
3/16/14: Clips from the documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution were shown at the Syrian Assembly of Manitoba event The Cost of Freedom and Dignity: The 3rd Anniversary of the Syrian Revolution in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
3/13/14: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was mentioned in a WESH article about the Florida Film Festival.
3/12/14: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was mentioned in an article at Orlando Connections about the Florida Film Festival.
3/10/14: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution starts a two-week screening at OneCloudFest (3/10/14 - 3/24/14).
3/10/14: Film critic Tom Roston (Doc Soup) wrote about Matthew VanDyke's new film, Point and Shoot, writing that "Hands down, this is the documentary I want to see most in 2014." Read article...
3/9/14: The documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Liverpool Lift-Off Film Festival in Liverpool, England, UK.
3/7/14: article about the Winter Film Awards which mentions Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution as a highlight of the festival.
3/7/14: The Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the RxSM Self Medicated Film Expo in Austin, TX.
3/5/14: A version of Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been released with Italian subtitles: Mai Più, Una Storia di Rivoluzione
3/5/14: Matthew VanDyke's documentary film Point and Shoot mentioned in an article at Realscreen about Hot Docs Film Festival.
3/4/14: A Wall Street Journal article about the Tribeca Film Festival that mentions Matthew VanDyke's new film Point and Shoot
3/4/14: Matthew VanDyke's film Point and Shoot is mentioned in an article at IndieWire about Tribeca Film Festival.
3/4/14: An article about Hot Docs Film Festival in La Presse mentions Matthew VanDyke's documentary Point and Shoot.
3/4/14: The movie about Matthew VanDyke titled Point and Shoot is mentioned in a RealScreen article about Tribeca Film Festival
3/4/14: The Chronicle Herald published an article about Hot Docs Film Festival that mentions Point and Shoot, the film about Matthew VanDyke.
3/4/14: The documentary film about Matthew VanDyke Point and Shoot mentioned in a Hollywood Reporter article about the Tribeca Film Festival
3/4/14: Matthew VanDyke's documentary Point and Shoot is mentioned in an article about Hot Docs Film Festival in the Montreal Gazette
3/4/14: An article at Entertainment Weekly about the Tribeca Film Festival that mentions the movie about Matthew VanDyke, Point and Shoot.
3/4/14: A CTV article about Hot Docs Film Festival mentioned the documentary about Matthew VanDyke, Point and Shoot.
3/4/14: Matthew VanDyke's new film Point and Shoot mentioned in a Los Angeles Times article about the Tribeca Film Festival
3/4/14: Matthew VanDyke's new film Point and Shoot will have its Canadian premiere at Hot Docs Film Festival!
3/4/14: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: The film about Matthew VanDyke, Point and Shoot, will premiere at Tribeca Film Festival!
3/3/14: Director Matthew VanDyke's new article posted at The Freedom Fighter Blog - The Russian Invasion of Ukraine
3/01/14: The documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won its 33rd award, the Best Documentary Film Award at the Winter Film Awards in New York, NY!
3/01/14: Director Matthew VanDyke will be at the Winter Film Awards awards ceremony and after party in New York, NY (which will be live streamed here)
2/28/14: Article at Fan Carpet about the One World Media Awards nominees, including Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution which is nominated for the Short Film Award
2/28/14: The documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been nominated for the Short Film Award at the One World Media Awards!
2/28/14: Director Matthew VanDyke will be at the Winter Film Awards in New York, NY for a screening of his documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.
2/27/14: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution can be seen at the Carolina Film & Video Festival in Greensboro, North Carolina.
2/26/14: Director Matthew VanDyke will be at the Winter Film Awards Filmmaker's Reception and Kick-Off Party in New York, NY.
2/25/14: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been selected as a finalist for the Best Documentary Short award in the DIY Film Festival in Santa Monica, CA.
2/23/14: The documentary about the conflict in Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the Short. Sweet. Film Fest in Ohio City, Ohio.
2/22/14: Die Ungeduldigen screened Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution in Berlin, Germany.
2/20/14: Festival Internacional de Cine de Lebu in Lebu, Chile screened the film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.
2/17/14: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was mentioned in an Arte Fuse article about Take Two Film Festival.
2/15/14: A PRWeb article about ÉCU (The European Independent Film Festival) that mentions Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution - "Film Selection Announced for 9th Annual European Independent Film Festival"
2/15/14: A VIMOOZ article about ÉCU (The European Independent Film Festival) that mentions Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution - "Film Lineup Announced for 2014 European Independent Film Festival"
2/15/14: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Thin Line Film Festival in Denton, Texas.
2/13/14: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was mentioned in an ÉCU – The European Independent Film Festival press release on The Young Hollywood Blast.
2/7/14: Director Matthew VanDyke was on Media Mayhem with host Allison Hope Weiner for an in-depth, 45 minute interview about his experiences fighting in Libya and filming in Syria, "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution," the current situation in Syria, the Egyptian revolution, US foreign policy, the 2012 Benghazi attack, women's rights in the region, VanDyke's time as an embedded journalist in Iraq, and why VanDyke has devoted himself to revolution.
2/7/14: Director Matthew VanDyke's on-stage interview with veteran Associated Press foreign correspondent Mort Rosenblum at the University of Arizona School of Journalism and the Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts (SISMEC) event "Ethics and Methods in Conflict" has been released on YouTube.
2/7/14: Director Matthew VanDyke's speech about filmmaking in Syria at the University of Arizona School of Journalism and the Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts (SISMEC) event "Ethics and Methods in Conflict" has been released on YouTube.
2/3/14: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened again at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival (an Academy Award qualifying film festival) in Santa Barbara, California.
2/2/14: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival (an Academy Award qualifying film festival) in Santa Barbara, California.
1/29/14: Director Matthew VanDyke will be giving a speech and showing his film about the conflict in Syria, Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, at an event on conflict journalism organized by the University of Arizona School of Journalism and the Southwest Initiative for the Study of Middle East Conflicts (SISMEC).
1/24/14: The award-winning Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Camerimage Winners Show in Los Angeles, California.
1/14/14: The documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened at Flickerfest International Short Film Festival (an Academy Award qualifying film festival) in Australia.
1/8/14: Director Matthew VanDyke was quoted in the Houston Chronicle in an article about the 2012 Benghazi attack - "Former Guantanamo Detainee May Have Participated In Benghazi Attack"
12/30/13: Geoffrey Ingersoll of Business Insider has written an article about Director Matthew VanDyke's accurate assessment of what happened in the 2012 Benghazi attack, which VanDyke shared with Business Insider the day after the attack - American Who Fought With Libyan Rebels: I Was Right About Benghazi
12/30/13: Director Matthew VanDyke's blog post about David Kirkpatrick's New York Times investigation of the 2012 Benghazi attack confirming VanDyke's early theory of what happened, which VanDyke shared with Business Insider just one day after the attack occurred - The 2012 Benghazi Attack
12/30/13: The trailer for the documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has won the International Movie Trailer Festival (IMTF) Grand Prize, the highest award at the festival.
12/28/13: Rabah Filali of Al Hurra TV interviewed director Matthew VanDyke about his film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution. VanDyke's girlfriend, Lauren Fischer, was also interviewed for the broadcast.
12/24/13: Footage from Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, as well as additional footage filmed by Matthew VanDyke that wasn't included in the film, was shown on the news program Nightline on ABC in a broadcast about Syria titled Syria: Caught in the Crossfire.
12/13/13: The documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened at the Entretodos 6 Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
12/12/13: The documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won the Audience Choice Award at the PovertyCure International Short Film Festival in New York, NY. Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was a finalist for three awards at the PovertyCure International Short Film Festival (the Grand Prize, Best Documentary Short Award, and Audience Choice Award). VanDyke attended the awards ceremony in New York and spoke to the audience about the film and Syria.
12/12/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown again at WATCH DOCS Human Rights in Film International Film Festival in Warsaw, Poland. This will be the second screening of the film at WATCH DOCS, the first is on December 8.
12/12/13: Global Voices published an article about Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.
12/8/13: The documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened at WATCH DOCS Human Rights in Film International Film Festival in Warsaw, Poland. This is the first screening of the film at WATCH DOCS, the second is on December 12.
12/8/13: Matthew VanDyke will be in Toronto, Canada to speak at SyriaDocs-Toronto where his documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown.
12/7/13: Matthew VanDyke will be in Montreal, Canada to give a speech at SyriaDocs-Montreal where his film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened.
11/30/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution (the documentary film about Syria) will be shown at the London Lift-Off Film Festival in London, England.
11/27/13: The film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened at the Euroshorts Film Festival in Gdansk, Poland.
11/26/13: Matteo Congregalli's interview with Matthew VanDyke at UrbanTimes about VanDyke's film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution and the situation in Syria - "Meet The American Freedom Fighter Who Is Keeping The Spirit Of The Arab Spring Alive"
11/26/13: Matthew VanDyke was interviewed by Cecily Hilleary of Voice of America for an article about Americans fighting in Syria - "Are Americans Fighting in Syria a Future US Security Threat?"
11/25/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the opening ceremony of the 7h Goiamum Audiovisual film festival in Natal, Brazil.
11/25/13: An article at the St. Louis Beacon about the films that won awards at the St. Louis International Film Festival, including the documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution which won the Best Documentary Short Award - "SLIFF awards: 'Philomena' wins Audience Choice Award"
11/25/13: We Are Movie Geeks article about the winners of the St. Louis International Film Festival, including the film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution which won the Best Documentary Short Award - "2013 SLIFF Film Awards Announced"
11/23/13: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened at Raindance Berlin in Berlin, Germany.
11/22/13: The award-winning documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at Camerimage Film Festival (an Academy Award qualifying film festival) in Bydgoszcz, Poland.
11/21/13: The Jamestown Arts Center & Rhode Island International Film Festival will show the Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution in a program of selections from the 2013 Rhode Island International Film Festival.
11/18/13: Matthew VanDyke released a statement about the Syrian Electronic Army hacking some of his accounts - "The Syrian Electronic Army Hacked My Accounts"
11/16/13: Matthew VanDyke, director of the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, will be attending the Camerimage Film Festival (an Academy Award qualifying film festival) in Bydgoszcz, Poland from November 16-November 23.
11/16/13: The film about Syria, Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, will be shown at the St. Louis International Film Festival in St. Louis, Missouri.
11/15/13:Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was screened again at the Interfilm International Film Festival in Berlin, Germany. Matthew VanDyke answered audience questions after the screening.
11/14/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the Interfilm International Film Festival in Berlin, Germany. Matthew VanDyke answered audience questions during the Q&A after the screening.
11/12/13: Matthew VanDyke's website and some of his accounts were hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army.
11/10/13: The documentary film about Syria, Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, will be shown at the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival in Rehoboth Beach, DE. Director Matthew VanDyke will be at the festival to answer questions from the audience during a Q&A session after the film.
11/10/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the East Lansing Film Festival in East Lansing, MI.
11/10/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, the film about Syria, will be screened at Daytona Beach Film Festival in Daytona Beach, FL.
11/9/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown for the second time at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival, this time in Hollywood, Florida.
11/8/13: The documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The film will be screened three times at the festival (November 8, 9, and 19).
11/7/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown for the second time at the Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
11/6/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown twice at the Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (the film will be shown on November 6 and November 7).
11/5/13: An article about Matthew VanDyke and his documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was published at The M Report.
11/5/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was mentioned in this article at ShoreBread Magazine about the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival.
11/5/13: An article about Matthew VanDyke and his Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was published at WBOC 16 "Matthew VanDyke: Tinker, Teacher, Soldier, Almost Spy"
11/5/13: Matthew VanDyke has written a review at The Freedom Fighter Blog of his colleague Robert Young Pelton's new graphic novel Roll Hard with artist Billy Tucci, about Pelton's experiences as a journalist accompanying Blackwater security contractors on missions in Baghdad, Iraq during the Iraq War.
11/3/13: Matthew VanDyke appeared on Al Jazeera English with host Hazem Sika and guests Joshua Landis and Zeina Khodr to discuss the risks facing filmmakers and journalists in Syria: "Syria: Too dangerous to cover?"
11/2/13: The documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the ITSA Film Festival in Sonora, California.
11/2/13: Delaware Online mentioned Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution in this article about the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival.
11/1/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was screened at the Route 66 Film Festival in Springfield, Illinois.
11/1/13: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at El Festival Internacional de Cine de Hermosillo in Hermosillo, Mexico.
10/29/13: Footage from Matthew VanDyke's Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution as well as other footage that wasn't used in the film was shown at the IWMF Courage in Journalism Awards as part of a video presentation put together by Janet Klein of NBC about Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution star and producer Nour Kelze who became the first Syrian to ever receive the IWMF Courage in Journalism Award. This was the second ceremony, held in Los Angeles (the first was in New York on 10/23/13, which Matthew VanDyke attended).
10/29/13: Director Matthew VanDyke will be giving a speech, showing his film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, and answering student questions at Ohio University at a STAND Against Genocide event in Grover W115 at 6:30pm.
10/28/13: Matthew VanDyke has launched a fundraiser to recover the $30,000 he spent to make his documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution. If you support VanDyke, his work, and the film, please consider donating here.
10/26/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution (the documentary film about Syria) was shown at the Cape May Film Festival in Cape May, NJ.
10/25/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown for the fourth time at the Academy Award qualifying film festival Heartland Film Festival in Indianapolis, IN.
10/24/13: Director Matthew VanDyke was featured in an article by Kerry Patton at the Rhino Den on "The Global Expansion of ‘Free Rangers'"
10/24/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown for the third time at the Academy Award qualifying film festival Heartland Film Festival in Indianapolis, IN.
10/23/13: Footage from Matthew VanDyke's documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution as well as other footage that wasn't used in the film was shown at the IWMF Courage in Journalism Awards as part of a video presentation put together by Janet Klein of NBC about Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution star and producer Nour Kelze who was the first Syrian to ever receive the IWMF Courage in Journalism Award. Matthew VanDyke attended the event in New York. Watch journalists Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill present the IWMF Courage in Journalism Award to Nour Kelze.
10/21/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown for the second time at the Academy Award qualifying film festival Heartland Film Festival in Indianapolis, IN.
10/20/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown for the third time at Emmentaler Filmtage film festival in Walkringen, Switzerland.
10/20/13: The award-winning documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be competing in the Academy Award qualifying film festival Heartland Film Festival in Indianapolis, IN, where the film will be shown four times during the festival.
10/20/13: The documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Flyway Film Festival in Pepin, Wisconsin.
10/20/13: Matthew VanDyke will be at the Utopia Film Festival in Greenbelt, MD to answer audience questions at a Q&A after the screening of his Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.
10/19/13: The Document 11 International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival will show the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution for the second time at the festival in Glasgow, Scotland, this time as part of the Syrian Conflict Programme.
10/19/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown for the second time at Emmentaler Filmtage film festival in Walkringen, Switzerland.
10/18/13: Please take part in the Global Vigil for the safe return of Matthew VanDyke's friend the journalist James Foley, who has been missing in Syria for nearly a year. Matthew VanDyke last saw James in Syria about two weeks before his disappearance.
10/18/13: Matthew VanDyke has written a new article at The Freedom Fighter Blog - "I Saw the Horrors of War at Dar al-Shifa Hospital in Syria"
10/18/13: The Document 11 International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Glasgow, Scotland will show the film about the Syrian civil war Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution as part of the Student Forum - Syrian Conflict, which will be followed by a panel discussion by experts on the conflict.
10/18/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at Emmentaler Filmtage film festival in Walkringen, Switzerland.
10/18/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, the documentary about Syria, will be shown at the Gig Harbor Film Festival in Gig Harbor, Washington.
10/16/13: The award-winning film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution is on exhibition playing continously at the Seoul International NewMedia Festival (NeMaf) from 11am-7pm each day from October 16 to October 25 in Seoul, South Korea!
10/15/13: Director Matthew VanDyke will be in Washington, DC for a screening of his Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution at the Reel Independent Film Extravaganza Film Festival.
10/13/13: An article about the Reel Independent Film Extravaganza Film Festival in Washington, DC which mentions the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution and includes the trailer of the film, "The Final week of the Reel Independent Film Extravaganza Film Festival in D.C. (Video)"
10/12/13: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the Festival Internacional de Cine Social Castilla-La Mancha "FECISO" in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Toledo, Spain.
10/12/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was screened at the Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival in Flagstaff, Arizona.
10/11/13: Director Matthew VanDyke's new article at The Freedom Fighter Blog, "The Controversy Surrounding the Syria Film 'Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution' at the Arpa International Film Festival"
10/11/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was screened at Kerry Film Festival in Ireland.
10/10/13: Matthew VanDyke, his fight against authoritarian governments, his fighting in the Libyan Revolution, and his making the film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution in Syria is the subject of an article at Egypt Independent, "«مناضل الحرية» الأمريكى لـ«المصري اليوم»: سأستمر حتى يصبح الطغاة فى كتب التاريخ فقط"
10/10/13: The television ratings for the ARD broadcast of the Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution. The television broadcast of the film on ARD was seen by over three million people.
10/10/13: An article and the ARD television broadcast of the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution on the prestigious program Panorama to an audience of 3,000,000+ viewers.
10/10/13: An interview with director Matthew VanDyke on the website of the German television program Panorama which broadcast his film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution on ARD to an audience of over three million viewers.
10/10/13: A great preview video of an interview with director Matthew VanDyke and footage from his documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution which aired on the popular German television program Panorama on ARD and was seen by an audience of more than 3 million people.
10/10/13: The documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the SF Shorts Film Festival in San Francisco, California.
10/10/13: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the MESA FilmFest in New Orleans, Louisiana.
10/9/13: An article and video footage of Nour Kelze, the star and a producer of the Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution on the NDR website.
10/8/13: An article in El Ángel de Puebla about the award winners of the FIC Puebla Festival Internacional de Cine in Puebla, Mexico, including the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution which won the Cortometraje Documental Internacional award.
10/8/13: An article in El Porvenir de Castilla-La Mancha about the Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution being shown at the Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo, Spain: "Abre sus puertas el X Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Castilla-La Mancha"
10/6/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution is referenced in this article at War in Context about a video of Syrian rebels produced by the artist Bansky "Banksy and Syria: The rebels who hide and the rebels who fight"
10/6/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was screened at Flimmer Film Festival in Norrköping, Sweden.
10/6/13: The documentary film about the war in Syria, Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, was shown at the New Jersey Film Festival in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Director Matthew VanDyke did a Q&A with the audience after the screening.
10/5/13: Director Matthew VanDyke's interview with Nicolas Bérubé of La Presse about fighting in the Libyan Revolution and filming Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution in Syria, titled "Matthew VanDyke, le rebelle américain"
10/5/13: An excellent review of the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was published on the San Diego Film Festival website.
10/5/13: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the San Diego Film Festival in San Diego, California.
10/5/13: An article at about the Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, "Line-up for the Sunday-October 6 New Jersey Film Festival screening featuring two important films about current Middle Eastern conflicts!!"
10/5/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, the film about the conflict in Syria, was screened a second time at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival in Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
10/3/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at Zero Film Festival in Montreal, Canada.
10/3/13: Director Matthew VanDyke was interviewed by Bert Baron on WCTC 1450 AM radio about VanDyke's documentary film about Syria, Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution,
10/3/13: The documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival in Chagrin Falls, Ohio.
10/3/13: Matthew VanDyke attended Libya Industry Day at the Patton Boggs law firm in Washington, DC, held by the American Chamber of Commerce in Libya
10/2/13: The award-winning Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the prestigious Raindance Film Festival where it has been nominated for an award in London, United Kingdom!
10/1/13: Matthew VanDyke answered questions for students at San Diego State University after Professor Ahmet T. Kuru showed the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution to his class.
10/1/13: The documentary film about the conflict in Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Barber Institute of FIne Arts in Birmingham, United Kingdom.
10/1/13: The movie about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution can be seen at the Columbus International Film + Video Festival in Columbus, Ohio.
9/30/13: Coffee And Saturday published the FIC Puebla Festival Internacional de Cine film schedule, which includes the screening date and time for Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution at the festival in Puebla, Mexico.
9/30/13: Matthew VanDyke met with the Syrian American Council Los Angeles (SAC-LA) to show the documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution and discuss public outreach media strategies with SAC-LA.
9/30/13: The award-winning documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Vancouver International Film Festival in Vancouver, Canada.
9/29/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution tied for first place with the film Shell Shocked in the Portrait category at the Chicago International Social Change FIlm Festival in Chicago, Ill.
9/29/13: Matthew VanDyke was awarded the prestigious inaugural Silver Lens Award for bravery and courage in filmmaking at the Arpa International Film Festival in Los Angeles, California.
9/28/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown in the historic Grauman's Egyptian Theatre at the Arpa International Film Festival in Los Angeles, California.
9/28/13: The film about the war in Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Wine Country Film Festival (Santa Rosa International Film Festival) in California.
9/28/13: The Syria movie Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the FIC Puebla Festival Internacional de Cine in Puebla, Mexico.
9/28/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, the documentary film about Syria, will be screened at the Lady Filmmakers Film Festival in Beverly Hills, California.
9/28/13: The documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was shown at the Chicago International Social Change Film Festival in Chicago, Ill.
9/27/13: War In Context published an exerpt from Matthew VanDyke's interview with Vice Magazine: "Syria: ‘Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution’"
9/27/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Edmonton International Film Festival in Canada.
9/25/13: Matthew VanDyke was on Canadian network CTV discussing the conflict in Syria and his film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution
9/25/13: Matthew VanDyke was on WNUV ABC News Baltimore where he addressed the American people directly encouraging them to support the cause of freedom in Syria. The news report was also about his Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.
9/23/13: An article at PRLog about the Reel Independent Film Extravaganza Film Festival in Washington, DC that mentions the documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution and some of the awards the film has won: "Filmmakers from Across the Globe Head to DC for Reel Independent Film Extravaganza"
9/22/13: Matthew VanDyke was on WJZ-13 CBS News Baltimore discussing his documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution and the current situation in Syria.
9/22/13: Norwegian television channel NRK News aired an interview with Matthew VanDyke and showed clips from Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution. Watch Syria er det verste jeg har sett
9/20/13: Article on France 24 about Matthew VanDyke and the Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution: American 'freedom fighter' Matthew VanDyke releases film on Syria
9/19/13: Vice published an excellent article about Matthew VanDyke fighting in Libya, filming Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution in Syria, his motorcycle adventures in Afghanistan, and other topics. Read The American Filmmaker Who Became a Freedom Fighter in Libya
9/19/13: Matthew VanDyke will be at the DC Shorts Film Festival to answer questions at a Q&A session after the screening of his documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.
9/19/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the New York International Film Festival - LA Edition in Hollywood, California.
9/18/13: The Syria movie Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution was reviewed in The Washington City Paper as part of their coverage of the DC Shorts Film Festival.
9/17/13: An article at about the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution being shown at the New Jersey Film Festival, "New Jersey Film Festival Screening"
9/16/13: The-Syrian published a review of the Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.
9/16/13: Journeyman Pictures posted the documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution on the company's YouTube channel (250,000+ subscribers).
9/15/13: The documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Canberra Short Film Festival in Canberra, Australia!
9/14/13: The very popular France 2 news show Télématin broadcast a report about the Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.
9/14/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at Contravision Film Festival in Berlin, Germany.
9/13/13: Matthew VanDyke's film about the conflict in Syria will be shown at the renowned Frontline Club for journalists in London, England.
9/12/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the DocuWest Documentary Film Festival in Golden, CO.
9/9/13: The Baltimore Sun newspaper published an article by Matthew VanDyke, Obama Needs to Learn the Virtues of "Big Stick" Diplomacy
9/7/13: The Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be screened at the Nevada City Film Festival in Nevada City, CA.
9/6/13: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won awards at BOTH of the festivals it was competing in today. Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won "The Best of The Festival" Jury Prize (the highest award) at the Martha's Vineyard International Film Festival in Massachusetts. Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution also won the Best Documentary Award at the Cabbagetown Short Film & Video Festival in Toronto, Canada!
9/6/13: Matthew VanDyke was a guest on The Current on CBC Radio, in a segment titled "Filmmaker turned Freedom Fighter"
9/6/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, the film about Syria, will be screened at the Martha's Vineyard International Film Festival in Martha's Vineyard, MA.
9/6/13: The documentary about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Cabbagetown Short Film and Video Festival in Toronto, Canada.
9/5/13: The film about the war in Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, will be shown at the Los Angeles Lift-Off Film Festival in Venice, California.
9/3/13: Matthew VanDyke was interviewed by Ryan Mauro about the Syrian Civil War. Read here...
8/31/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, the documentary film about the war in Syria, will be screened at the Portland Film Festival at the Mission Theater in Portland, Oregon.
8/29/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at Living Room in Portland, Oregon at the Portland Film Festival.
8/23/13: The film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won the Best Documenary Award at HollyShorts FIlm Festival in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California
8/22/13: The documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the Long Beach International Film Festival
8/21/13: Matthew VanDyke was a guest on the show Newswire with host Sneha Kulkarni on Sun News Network discussing the chemical weapons attack in Syria and the international community's role in the Syrian war. Watch video here...
8/18/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the historic Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California as part of HollyShorts Film Festival
8/16/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be competing in the Human Rights category at the Isle of Wight Film Festival in Isle of Wight, UK.
8/16/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution can be seen at One Lens Film Festival in Los Angeles, California.
8/11/13: The Academy Award Qualifying festival Rhode Island International Film Festival will be showing Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution!
8/9/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown with Italian subtitles at La Guarimba International Film Festival in Amantea, Italy.
8/4/13: One of the oldest and most prestigious film festivals in the world, Melbourne International Film Festival, will be showing Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution in Melbourne, Australia!
8/4/13: The Nocicortinfestival Film Festival will be showing Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution in Noci, Bari, Italy.
7/27/13: The Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has won the Best Short Documentary Award at Evolution International Film Festival in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California!
7/27/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution can be seen at Evolution International Film Festival in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California.
7/27/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at Awareness Film Festival in Santa Monica, California.
7/25/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution can be seen in London, England, UK at Zero Film Festival.
7/19/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be at the Los Angeles Reel Film Festival.
7/12/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution will be shown at the San Francisco Frozen Film Festival as part of the "Best Documentary Shorts" program.
7/10/13: Van Smith of the Baltimore City Paper wrote the best article so far about Matthew VanDyke - The Accidental Warrior
7/6/13: Matthew VanDyke's article at The Huffington Post about the coup in Egypt against Mohamed Morsi - "In Egypt, Have the People Overthrown Themselves?"
7/4/13: Matthew VanDyke was a guest on Sky News Arabia discussing his Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution and his work to encourage the US Congress to support the revolution in Syria - "قصة ثورة".. أزمة سوريا بعيون أميركية (Arabic)
7/4/13: The documentary film about Syria Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution is being shown at the In The Palace International Short Film Festival!
6/30/13: The Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution is being shown at the Muestra de cortometrajes CineLibre!
6/29/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution is being shown at the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival!
6/28/13: The Syrian revolution film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution is being shown at the East End Film Festival in London!
6/25/13: Article at the Los Angeles Times about the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution winning the Palm Springs International ShortFest Audience Favorite Documentary Short Award - Palm Springs International ShortFest announces winners
6/23/13: Matthew VanDyke was interviewed by AFI Docs in this video about the making of his Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution - AFI Docs Presented by Audi - Filmmaker Commentary - Matthew Van Dyke
6/23/13: Deadline Hollywood reporting that Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won the Audience Favorite Documentary Short Award at the Palm Springs International ShortFest - "‘Delicate Gravity,’ ‘Stranger Brothers’ Nab Palm Springs International ShortFest Awards – Winners List"
6/23/13: Variety reporting that Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won the Audience Favorite Documentary Short Award at the Palm Springs International ShortFest - "‘Delicate Gravity’ Leads Palm Springs Shortfest Winners"
6/23/13: Hollywood Reporter article reporting that Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution won the Audience Favorite Documentary Short Award at the Palm Springs International ShortFest - "Palm Springs International ShortFest Announces Winners"
6/23/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has won the Palm Springs International ShortFest Audience Favorite Documentary Short Award!
6/22/13: Ya No: Una Historia de la Revolución (the Spanish version of Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution) has been selected for this year's Muestra de cortometrajes CineLibre film festival in Madrid, Spain.
6/21/13: AFI Docs Film Festival profiled Matthew VanDyke as part of their filmmaker commentary series videos - "AFI Docs Presented By Audi - Filmmaker Commentary - Matthew VanDyke"
6/19/13: Libertas Film Magazine review of Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution "The War in Syria: LFM Reviews Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution @ 2013 AFI Docs, Presented by Audi"
6/19/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been chosen as an Official Selection in the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival
6/17/13: The Washingtonian review of the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution: AFIDocs Review: “Not Anymore” Activist Matthew VanDyke provides a close-up look at the Arab Spring’s hardest-hit community in this searing short
6/17/13: Matthew VanDyke appeared on the internet radio program Snowbiz Now to discuss his Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution. Listen here...
6/17/13: Matthew VanDyke appeared on the Canadian television show The Source to discuss his Syria documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, and the US supplying arms to the rebels in Syria. Watch here...
6/14/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, the documentary film about the Syrian civil war, was reviewed by the Washington City Paper. Read here...
6/11/13: Nour Kelze, star and producer of Matthew VanDyke's Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, was profiled by CNN in this broadcast (which features footage from the film): Syrian teacher turned war photographer
6/11/13: The Syrian revolution film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been chosen as an Official Selection in the Rhode Island International Film Festival!
6/6/13: Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution, the film about the war in Syria, has been chosen as an Official Selection in the San Francisco Frozen Film Festival!
6/5/13: The Syrian war documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been chosen as an Official Selection in the Third World Indie Film Festival!
6/4/13: Article at about the Syria film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution - "Gripping New Doc about Syrian Civil War: “Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution” (TRAILER)"
6/4/13: Professor Martijn de Koning wrote about the Syria war documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution at - Not anymore: A Story of Revolution in Syria
6/3/13: New article at about Matthew VanDyke's Syrian revolution film, Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution - New Syria Documentary Contains The Most Intense Moment We've Ever Seen In A Movie Trailer
6/3/13: The Syria documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has its first film festival screening at the Hoboken International Film Festival!
5/31/13: VanDyke's Syria war film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been chosen as an Official Selection in the DocuWest Film Festival!
5/30/13: The preview trailer for Matthew VanDyke's Syria war documentary film Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been released on YouTube! Watch it here...
5/27/13: VanDyke's Syrian war documentary Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution has been chosen as an Official Selection in the Philadelphia Independent Film Festival!
5/25/13: Matthew VanDyke was interviewed by the Garden State Journal about his Syria war documentary film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" - GARDEN STATE JOURNAL Q&A Matthew VanDyke, Director/Producer of Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution
5/24/13: Matthew VanDyke's documentary film about the war in Syria "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" has been chosen as an Official Selection in the largest short film festival in the USA, Palm Springs International ShortFest!
5/22/13: Matthew VanDyke's documentary film about the war in Syria "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" has been chosen as an Official Selection in one of the most important documentary film festivals in the USA, AFI Docs Film Festival!
5/21/13: Matthew VanDyke's Syrian revolution film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" has been chosen as an Official Selection in the highly competitive IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival in Bulgaria!
5/8/13: Matthew VanDyke's Syrian revolution film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" will be shown at one of the UK's largest film festivals, the East End Film Festival in London!
5/3/13: On World Press Freedom Day the International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) awarded Nour Kelze (the star and a producer on Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution) a 2013 Courage in Journalism Award. Nour Kelze is the first Syrian to ever win this prestigious award. Read more here...
5/3/13: Matthew VanDyke will be speaking and showing a working copy of his Syrian revolution film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" at a Syrian American Alliance fundraiser dinner in New York. Buy tickets here...
5/3/13: Matthew VanDyke will be attending a World Press Freedom Day event in Boston, "Silenced Voices: When Conflict Journalists Go Missing," highlighting the kidnapping of his friend, journalist James Foley in Syria.
4/28/13: "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" has been chosen as an Official Selection in the highly competitive Hoboken International Film Festival!
4/28/13: A working copy of "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" will be shown at the Benefit Concert for Syria in San Jose, California where Dylan Connor will be performing his Syrian revolution songs and SOC Leader Haitham Al Maleh will be the keynote speaker. Details here...
4/27/13: A working copy of "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" will be shown at the "S.O.S. - Showing Our Solidarity - For Syria" event in Boston, MA. Details here...
4/27/13: A working copy of "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" will be shown at the Benefit Concert for Syria in Anaheim, California where Dylan Connor will be performing his Syrian revolution songs and SOC Leader Haitham Al Maleh will be the keynote speaker. Details here...
4/23/13: Matthew VanDyke was a guest on The Takeaway with John Hockenberry, in a segment titled "Terrorist: An Evolving Term." Listen here (Spencer Ackerman of Wired Magazine is the guest from 0:00-6:36 and Matthew VanDyke is the guest from 6:37-12:56)
4/22/13: Matthew VanDyke's speech at Georgetown University "My Experiences as an American Fighter in the Libyan Revolution" and screening a working version of his new Syria war documentary film was featured in a Georgetown University International Relations Club article - Recap - Matthew VanDyke: My Experiences as an American Fighter in the Libyan Revolution
4/22/13: Matthew VanDyke will be giving a speech and showing a working copy of his film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" at Connecticut College in New London, Connecticut. The event is titled "The Syrian Revolution Continues" and is sponsored by Yalla Bina and the Syrian American Alliance (SAA) New York chapter. Dr. Radwan Ziadeh and Wael Faraj will also be speaking at the event. More information here...
4/17/13: Matthew VanDyke will be showing a working copy of his film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" at American University as part of AU Syria Solidarity Week. The film will be shown in conjunction with a panel discussion about the war in Syria, in MGC 3 at 5:30pm. More information here...
4/11/13: Matthew VanDyke will be giving a speech titled "My Experience as an American Fighter in the Libyan Revolution" at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He will also be showing a working copy of his film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" at the event. View the poster for the event here...
3/29/13: Matthew VanDyke was interviewed by Jill Dougherty of CNN for Wolf Blitzer's show "The Situation Room." The interview was about VanDyke fighting in the Libyan revolution and his work for the Syrian revolution, and the arrest of American Eric Harroun for his actions in Syria. Watch here...
3/29/13: The famous adventurer/writer Robert Young Pelton wrote an article in Dangerous Magazine about the variety of foreigners, including VanDyke, who are active in Syria, and the sometimes unconventional things they are doing there - "Syria: Wish You Were Here?"
3/29/13: The famous adventurer/writer Robert Young Pelton wrote an article about VanDyke for Dangerous Magazine titled "Matt VanDyke: Filmmaker/Fighter"
3/21/13: Article about Matthew VanDyke's speech about fighting in Libya and filming in Syria, and screening a working version of his Syria war documentary film at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada in the Queen's University newspaper, The Journal - "A Fight for Freedom"
3/19/13: Matthew VanDyke will be giving a speech titled "Matthew VanDyke: My Experiences as an American Fighting in the Libyan Revolution" at the Queen's International Affairs Association at the Queen's University campus in Kingston, Ontario. He will also be showing a working copy of his film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" at the event.
3/17/13 - Matthew VanDyke will be speaking at the Syrian-American Women Activists' Syrian Women in the Revolution: Empowering, Impacting & Shaping the Future conference in Washington, DC. He will also be showing a working copy of his film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" at the event.
3/16/13 - Matthew VanDyke will be speaking at a rally for Syria at Lafayette Park (across from the White House in Washington, DC) and also at the Syrian American Alliance's Hand in Hand for a Free Syria fundraising banquet that evening in Alexandria, Virginia. He will also be showing a working copy of his film "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" at the event.
2/28/13 - Matthew VanDyke was a guest on TruthLoader with host Phil Harper: "Who is Matthew VanDyke?"
2/23/13 - One of the best articles about Director Matthew VanDyke was published in Das Magazin - "Syrien Braucht Dich. Sagte Sich Matthew VanDyke Und Fuhr Los"
2/22/13 - Nour Kelze and Matthew VanDyke were guests on HuffPost Live discussing their Syrian revolution film and Nour's media center. Watch here...
2/15/13 - Nour Kelze was featured in an article on PetaPixel "Syrian Conflict Transforms Woman From English Teacher into War Photographer"
2/15/13 - Nour Kelze was featured in a report on NPR - "Conflict Transforms Syrian English Teacher Into War Photographer"
2/11/13 - Matthew VanDyke was quoted numerous times and his experiences in the Libyan revolution described in detail in former Navy SEAL Brandon Webb and former Green Beret Jack Murphy's new book, "Benghazi: The Definitive Report." You can purchase the book here (E-book, only $3)
2/5/13 - Matthew VanDyke and Nour Kelze appeared on Orient TV with host Hayvi Bouzo discussing their Syrian revolution film. Watch here...
1/8/13 - Matthew VanDyke's new article in The Huffington Post - "The Long, Hard Slog That Is Syria"
1/6/13 - CNN and CNN International (broadcast to more than 200 countries and territories worldwide) aired a detailed segment about Nour Kelze and Matthew VanDyke's Syrian revolution film and VanDyke's work for the revolutions in Syria and Libya. Watch here...
1/5/13 - Matthew VanDyke was a guest on CNN, discussing his Syrian revolution film. Watch here...
12/10/12 - Matthew VanDyke was a guest on WYPR 88.1FM with Dan Rodricks discussing his film and work for the Syrian revolution. "American Freedom Fighter in Syria." Listen here...
12/9/12 - Syrian doctors in Aleppo are following advice given to them by Matthew VanDyke in October, 2012. More information...
12/2/12 - New article about Matthew VanDyke's work for the Syrian revolution at "An American Rebel: Baltimore Boy Goes to Battle in Aleppo"
11/14/12 - New article about Matthew VanDyke at Business Insider. "US Citizen Fighting For Syrian Rebels Has Been Branded A 'Terrorist' By Assad Regime"
11/2/12 - Videos of Matthew VanDyke fighting in the Libyan Civil War at the Special Operations Forces Situation Report (SOFREP). "Deep Inside the Libyan Civil War with Matthew VanDyke"
10/30/12 - Al Jazeera article about Matthew VanDyke's work for the Syrian revolution. Read here...
10/25/12 - Matthew VanDyke was a guest on BBC News Hour discussing the situation in Aleppo, Syria. Listen here...
10/24/12 - New article at the Middle East North Africa Financial Network ( that mentions Matthew VanDyke speaking at the Libya Summit in Tripoli, Libya. "The Libya Summit to Explore Newer Avenues and Novel Strategies for the Emerging Economy"
10/24/12 - Matthew VanDyke helping journalists James Foley and Manu Brabo with a fundraiser to buy an ambulance for Dar Shifaa hospital in Aleppo, Syria. Read more...
10/23/12 - Matthew VanDyke interviewed in Aleppo, Syria by phone for the BBC World Update program, broadcast "23 Oct 12 US Presidential Debate." Listen here.